Cluj-Napoca, the bubbly city

Cluj-Napoca, the bubbly city

So there is this city, that I would’ve never known, if it weren’t for my friends. Two intelligent, life-loving women, whom I met studying abroad and invited me to come visiting Romania. The country that I knew mostly for Dracula and, let’s be honest, gypsies. But I...
Why I love Cluj-Napoca

Why I love Cluj-Napoca

First of all I have to honest: I think I was in London when I came across the latest number of @natgeotraveler magazine. “I ♥ my city”. New York, Amsterdam, Milan, Edinburgh or Beirut; Writers from around the globe wrote about the cities they were living...
6 excursii din Bari

6 excursii din Bari

Aparent regiunea Pugliei deţine o majoritate covârşitoare de locuri absolut fascinante, care te obligă într-un fel sau altul să le adaugi pe listă. Noi am aterizat în Bari, unde am avut și cazarea (mai multe detalii despre Bari poți citi aici), iar de la aeroport am...
O zi în Bari

O zi în Bari

După ce m-am adunat în faţa unui latte, făcută ciuciulete de la atâta ploaie şi ninsoare, eram cu mintea, spre ruşinea mea, la zilele care mă aşteptau în Sudul Italiei în mai puţin de o lună. Cu Dublinul la picioare, nu ştiu de ce, mă găseam totuşi în postura de a...
Once upon a time in Sölden

Once upon a time in Sölden

  -English version- . Winter? Usually when somebody says the word “winter” you get the chills. Most of the people enjoy winter about 3 days per year and that’s during Christmas. Before agreeing to this statement, let me tell you the fact that winter can also be...
Why I love Italy

Why I love Italy

So it was a baking August day, a few years ago, when I first set foot (and soul) in Italy. Résumé:  38 degrees, a colossal collection of small igneous and yet way too crowded streets. Even though, this might sound like the perfect recipe for an unfortunate holiday,...